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Guro Nate


Guro Nate Hill   is from Orlando Florida.  He dedicated 22 years of his life in the Martial Arts gaining 7th Degree Black Belt. He was tactically trained by grand masters all over the world. His extensive trainings include Knife-Edged Weapons, Stick Arts, Blunt Objects, Street Defense, Stick-Baton Grappling, Ground Work, Jujitsu, Kali, Arnis, Eskrima, Muay Thai, Boxing, Tactical Baton

Guro Nate’s expertise in the different fields of Martial Arts encouraged him to create a unique defense system Blood and Bones Tactical.  It became an international organization.  The system of Blood and Bones Tactical caters to reality-based street defense, Military-Police-based techniques teaching self-defense for Civilians, Military, Martial Art Dojos, Police, Security Groups, Prison Guards, and Private Tactical Groups around the World.


He is now teaching different groups worldwide.  The most recent tours were in, Italy  Philippines, Greece, Germany, Ireland, Indonesia, Japan, Hong Kong, Canada, South America and the United States of America.

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