Mindanao police have adapted phase 1 module of the BBT curriculum . Ongoing weekly training begins
Author Archives: Guro Nate
Great Group @ Cooligan Martial Arts & Fitness Canada , this team trains very hard , Dedicated, and good skill, Special thanks to Rep Sensei Randy Cooligan for a successful event!
Big tour Germany 5 Seminars back to back, stay tuned all in November!
Cooligan Martial Arts & Fitness https://www.bloodandbonescanada.com/bbt-contact 2 Cedarow court, Stittsville Ontario Canada, K2S 1V6 1-613-831-3622
Great people Great town Savannah Chapter was full of energy , positive vibes , and 5 hours of intense Blade training. Special thanks to SC Bell for hosting ,Constant Expansion Jiu Jitsu / MMA, and NC chapter and orlando for there support. I cant get enough of this town!
Philippines tree planting BBT Member Atty. Jasmine leads the annual tree planting ceremony with Police and BBT Mindanao members, planting hundreds of new trees to help restore mother nature one step at a time!
Outstanding Practitioners @ TCK in the bronx!!! Everyone did a great Job, energy was high, the level at which they train at is amazing. Great work at team TCK! Day 1 – Extensive Stick work- Â locks, Submissions , Take downs, Striking/Blocking Day2 – Extensive Blade work – Blade Vs empty hand combos/ Locks , Disarms, […]